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The Problem
Show your plant some love!

The variety of existing allergies and users' time shortage. The app contains information on materials that the user might be allergic to, according to his personal profile. The app saves time when new product needs to be examined or a perscription is needed renewing. 

Allergy Tracker
Allergy app that will control your allergy!

This app allows you to to control your allergy simple by scanning the sticker with ingredients and manage all the materials and substances you are allergic to with only one click. The app is connected to the users medical file that can show test results and also allows  to chat online with physician and renew prescriptions for allergy and save in profile. 

How it works?

This app allows you to create personal profile, and manage all the materials and substances you are allergic to. For instance: certain kinds of food, care products, chemical materials, medicament, conservatives, and more. If a certain product is needed to be checked, it can be easily done by scanning it with the app.

There are three colors of the scannable sticker: red for dangerous ingredients, orange for partially dangerous components, and green for safe products. The products can be saved to users' personal profile as dangerous or non dangerous. 

The app is also connected to the users medical file and can show test results.

It allows online chat with the users' personal physician and renew one's prescriptions. 

Persona n. 1
persona 1.png

Inbal is working a part time job, in order to be able to look after her children. She is  married and has two kids and lives in Ramat Hasharon. Both of Inbal's little girls are lactose sensitive , and Inbal needs to be extra careful when purchaising food products. Groceries shopping may take a lot of time. Inbal is cosially active and loves throwing birthday parties at the kindergarten.  Childrens' allergies are very common nowadays, and Inbal is finding it difficult to track differet kinds of products that the kids, not only her own, are allergic to. 

Inbal Golan-Segal
Administrative Manager

I need to buy products for a birthday party.

There are children from kindergarten

with allergies. It can take a lot of time to pick

safe products.




Persona n. 2

I have a rush all over my face yet again, from unknown product and I don't have time to go to the doctor for prescription. I need to find what product giving me allergies and throw it away.



persona 2.png
Dana Ashkenazi
Student from Herzliya. 21 y.o.

Dana studies business manegment at IDC Herzeliya, . She spends a lot of time partying with her friends and takes interest in fashion and makeup. She loves to try new products but prone to allergies and has sensitive skin. Dana's skin often reacts with acute facial rushes, which are only curable with the use of medicine. Due to Dana's busy schedule, she rarely turns for help to her physician and just wais for the rush to pass.

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The Solution

The app enables scanning the allergy sticker, highlight dangerous materials, and distinguish them from matereals that might cause damage and the safe ones. The app contains an allergy journal, and enables connection with friends via social media. The app notifies the user on routine pill schedule, can create an extra kids special accont within the personal profile . One can share his or hers personal profile according to his wishes. 

On Boarding
About Design

The design comes to support the three main goals of the app: scanning and showing the results for harmful and safe ingredients, organizing  personal profile and prescriptions, easy chat online with physician. It does so by keeping the lists clear and neat, highlighting the important elements and maintaining the design quiet in places where it is required but and at the same time with colorful minimalist graphic elements.


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The Design

Created with help of...

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Group 356.png
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Artboard – 5.png
color (2).png

# A896F7


# 2AD4D9

# 61F39B

# 5E6874

color (1).png

# 2AD4D9

# 2AD4D9

# 61F39B

# A896F7

Artboard – 6.png
Artboard – 7.png
font (1).png
font (2).png

Source® Sans Pro, Adobe's first open source typeface family, was designed by Paul D. Hunt. It is a sans serif typeface intended to work well in user interfaces.

The typeface is inspired by the forms of the American Type Founders' gothics by Morris Fuller Benton, such as News GothicLightline Gothic and Franklin Gothic.

icons for allergy.png
icons for allergy 3.png
Thank you :)
plant tracker app front pic.jpg

1. Plant Assistant app

App that provides growing tips. Will remind the user to water the plant in time. Information  about nearest plant stores.


2. Smart Home

Dashboard that helps you manage your home from a distance, enables remote control of products installed in the house.

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